Dienstag 10.8
Czajka & Puchacz + Axel Dörner
Kaja Draksler (SI) – prepared piano and percussion
Szymon Gasiorek (PL) – drums, percussion and electronics
Axel Dörner – trumpet
Mittwoch 11.8
1st set:
Steve Heather & Sam Hall – drum duet
(followed by, no break, just Steve and Sam leave the stage, Dirar and Jasper jump on)
Dirar Kalash & Jasper Stadhouders – electric guitar duet
2nd set:
Frank Gratkowski – reeds
Dirar Kalash – electric guitar
Jasper Stadhouders – bass
Steve Heather – drums
Sam Hall – drums
Donnerstag 12.8
duos / trios (etc.) with:
Eli Ningú – synth
Carina Khorkhordina – trumpet
Antti Virtaranta – bass
Dirar Kalash – alto sax, oud, piano
Andrea Parkins – accordion, electronics
Jasper Stadhouders – guitar, mandolin
Tony Buck – drums
Freitag & Samstag 13+14.8
Bruce McClure | Alex Mendizabal | Lucas Maia
We are super excited about this unheard of but never the less renowned Pohlstrasse-USA-Brasilian trio of sound and film artists working with stroboscopes, ballons and hammocks. What they will do now is written in the power projections of the stars that fall on Tiergarten Süd.